Children from Freirina participate in the first soccer tournament since the beginning of the pandemic

Children from Freirina participate in the first soccer tournament since the beginning of the pandemic
  • The initiative promoted by ISA INTERCHILE in conjunction with the Ganamos Todos Foundation and the Municipality of Freirina aims to promote physical and sports activities for boys and girls in the community, encourage teamwork, inclusion, and respect for fair play.


Freirina, August 27, 2021.– Friday had a different start in Freirina, as after more than a year of lockdown and being away from physical and recreational activity, the first educational football tournament for boys and girls from the entire commune was kicked off at the CAP field located in the Maitencillo sector.

The initiative promoted by ISA INTERCHILE, organized by Fundación Ganamos Todos and the Municipality of Freirina, aims to contribute to a cultural change both in young people and in the adults who accompany them, promoting not only healthy habits through the practice of physical activity, but also cultivating values such as teamwork, solidarity, respect for the opponent, integration and inclusion in their different expressions.

Harold Mayne-Nicholls, former president of the ANFP and current president of Fundación Ganamos Todos, highlighted that “for us as a Foundation, working again with children in spaces for physical activity fills us with emotion, given that sports are key to the development of people, and for this reason we appreciate the disposition of the municipality and ISA INTERCHILE.”

In addition, on the occasion, the “Ganamos Todos” team offered workshops on refereeing and technical direction for all those who want to deepen their football concepts. The workshops were led by former professional referee Juan Pablo Torrens and Jorge “el mortero” Aravena, former adult red team player, considered one of the best midfielders in the history of Chile.

For its part, from the Municipality of Freirina, Mayor César Orellana commented that “we greatly value this collaborative alliance between the public and private sectors because it finally allows our boys and girls to participate in a tournament that is much more than football, it is a sports-recreational space where we want to provide values, companionship, healthy competition and everything that this implies. As a Municipality, we do nothing but rejoice in these opportunities and put ourselves at the service to ensure that this works in the best possible way.”

Meanwhile, Álvaro González, Manager of Institutional Relations of the electric transmission company ISA INTERCHILE, who, in addition to valuing the importance of continuing to strengthen public-private articulation for the benefit of the inhabitants of Freirina, explained that this initiative “represents an opportunity to recover in a safe, healthy and family-friendly way the community life that the pandemic has limited us for so many months. We are inspired to see how boys and girls enjoy sports and at the same time learn values of utmost importance for their formation as integral people.”

The executive adds that “At ISA INTERCHILE, we do not want to just leave a legacy for future generations in terms of energy development, but we also seek to have a positive impact on the quality of life of communities and co-create sustainable value with them, listening to their needs and giving them a leading role in the design and implementation of the programs we promote.”

The tournament, which will run during the months of September and October, began this Friday with a sports festival as an opening, an opportunity in which the delivery of uniforms for the schools that will participate in the event began, which hopes to end with a great sports party for the community.