A book is launched that rescues the worldview and culture of the Diaguita people in Freirina

A book is launched that rescues the worldview and culture of the Diaguita people in Freirina
  • “Chipasse Ta Tatara, the rebirth of a people” is the name of the publication written by Diaguita historian Jorge Cruz Campillay and supported by the electric company ISA INTERCHILE, which values the traditions of this community in the Huasco Valley.”


Freirina, Friday, August 5th, 2022.- The indigenous nation of Chipasse Ta Tatara, which in the language of this people means “Children of Tatara,” lives in the bed of the Tatara creek in Freirina, south of the Huasco River. Their origins, customs, first contacts with the Spanish, and special connection with the territory are captured in the book “Chipasse Ta Tatara, the rebirth of a people,” presented on Thursday at the Cultural Headquarters of the community.

The compilation was led by Diaguita historian Jorge Cruz Campillay, who spent 5 months profiling the Chipasse Ta Tatara community, cross-checking and validating information about their history and customs directly with chiefs and descendants of this community of farmers, potters, weavers, and metalworkers.

The book launch at the Cultural Headquarters in Freirina was attended by the mayor César Orellana and councilors of the municipality, accompanied by the Energy Seremi of Atacama, Cecilia Sánchez, and the general manager of ISA INTERCHILE, Gabriel Melguizo.

The mayor of Freirina, César Orellana, explained that “along with valuing the launch of the book about the indigenous community Chipasse Ta Tatara, which allows them to fulfill their dream of having a historical and robust record of their traditions as a legacy for future generations, it is important to highlight the contribution of ISA INTERCHILE to Freirina and their way of relating to the community, which allows us to once again trust in the good relationship we must have with companies.”

For his part, Jorge Cruz Campillay, author of this book and novels such as “El pequeño pastor” and “La sombra del sauce,” expressed his pride and happiness for “this significant work that captures the history of an important people in the Huasco Valley.” At the same time, the president of the Chipasse Ta Tatara community, Ana Poblete, valued this opportunity since “it allows us to share and perpetuate traditions.”

It should be noted that the book fulfills one of the agreements included in the indigenous consultation associated with the 2×500 kV Cardones-Polpaico transmission project of ISA INTERCHILE, which includes the elaboration and edition of a book on the Diaguita culture in the Tatara Creek, Freirina.

Regarding this, the general manager of ISA INTERCHILE, Gabriel Melguizo, pointed out that the company’s connection with the community goes far beyond the commitments derived from the project since “over the years, this relationship has been consolidated and deepened, and we currently carry out continuous relationship work with this community based on a program that seeks to spread culture and values of this people,” explains the executive.

Among other initiatives developed with the community, highlights the financing of workshops that seek to rescue traditional Diaguita activities, or the company’s participation in the documentary “Humanising Energy” in alliance with the World Energy Council and the BBC, through which the link with the Indigenous Diaguita Chipasse de Ta Tatara community was visible internationally.

The physical format of the publication was distributed to the indigenous community’s leadership and the Diaguita Council, as well as copies for the University of Atacama, the National CONADI Directorate, the SEA Executive Directorate, and the Regional Directorate of Atacama of said agency.

The book can be downloaded for free by accessing the “Sustainability” section on the website www.interchilesa.com.