Four professionals from Interchile were among the more than one hundred women who gathered at La Moneda to commit to leadership in the energy transition

Four professionals from Interchile were among the more than one hundred women who gathered at La Moneda to commit to leadership in the energy transition

The four generations who have taken the “Women in Energy” female leadership program gathered in Plaza de la Constitución to make visible the large number of prepared and willing women to collaborate and guide the efforts demanded by the local energy transition

The event brought together a hundred professionals from the public and private sectors who have contributed to the energy debate with a wide diversity of experiences and visions. The meeting was attended by Energy Minister Diego Pardow, who highlighted the work being done by his ministry on gender equity.

The Secretary of State expressed his gratitude to “Women in Energy” for its drive in “breaking down those barriers, shattering glass ceilings, which make people who, due to cultural issues, were destined to play a role, now feel empowered to choose their own professional options. Women’s participation in the energy world is not only a matter of justice and equality, but it is also related to what we ask of the sector: Energy is responsible for us turning the corner in terms of climate change for our survival as a species, and for that, we need creativity and innovation, which flourishes in diverse environments in terms of life histories, professions, and gender.”

“Women in Energy” was born in May 2019 under the wing of the World Energy Council – WEC Chile, with the support of the “Energy + Women” initiative of the Ministry of Energy, in response to the scarce 23% female labor participation in the energy sector, a percentage that decreases significantly when reaching top management positions.

ISA INTERCHILE has participated in this program since its inception, highlighting Libertad Hernández, Communications Manager, and Patricia Mendez, Legal Specialist, both from the 2nd generation; María Eliana Abraham, Social Analyst from the 3rd generation, and Eneimar Bellorín, Control Center Engineer from the 4th generation.

If you are interested in being part of the 5th generation in 2023, you can talk to our ambassadors who can guide you through the process.